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Paper #2: Organizational Behavior For this writing assignment, each student will watch The Founder (2016/2017; it's a movie about McDonalds). The Founder is currently available for free through the Douglas College Library's Criterion database The following link might take you directly to it:  . Because the founder is set in an older time, you will have the experience of a distinct culture, so be prepared for ideas that would be unacceptable today. Your thesis for this paper is that many concepts from the Organizational Behavior lectures and textbook are relevant to the narrative of this movie. Each student will write about the movie using at least 12 and preferably more terms, theories, or findings from the textbook chapters/class lectures. Be sure to select terms from the textbook as well as from the lectures. You can talk about what you observed in the film, and you could comment on what didn't occur, but could have occurred if a particular principle had been applied there. Put each technical organizational behavior term in boldface font the first time you use it, and if it's from the textbook, also write the relevant chapter number in parentheses the first time you use the term, e.g., "Macro Organizational Behavior (OpenStax, 2019, Chapter 1) is..." or if you've already cited the book in that paragraph: "Macro Organizational Behavior (Chapter 1) is...." For each concept, you will 1) identify the concept, 2) explain the concept in your own words, 3) identify a scene in the movie illustrating the concept, and 4) explain exactly why this scene in particular illustrates this concept. Be sure to do all four of these for each concept you mention. Strive to do this for at least 12 and preferably even more concepts. You will have to express yourself quite concisely to fit in this many terms. To best show off your learning, try to select concepts or theories that would not be widely known among people who have not taken a class in organizational behavior (e.g., You could describe attribution theory, but probably not self-esteem unless you are discussing an aspect of self-esteem that is not widely understood or known.) For example, you could say, “Cognitive dissonance theory would suggest that in this scene, the main character is motivated mainly by...This is because cognitive dissonance theory claims that people often make choices because...In particular, the theory says that..., and this idea is evident when the character...This incident provides a good example of cognitive dissonance because...” Notice that this passage completes all four required tasks for this concept. Organization: Your introduction can be very short, just two or three sentences suggesting that many concepts from this course have relevance to this movie. Then you can launch into paragraphs demonstrating that. You'll want some type of organizational structure in your writing, perhaps gathering material on different characters into different sections, or dealing with the movie chronologically, or organizing the ideas around a few themes, but there's lots of flexibility in how you organize it. You could focus on only one character if that works, or you can focus on five or more characters, whatever works best for demonstrating your knowledge of and ability to apply lots of ideas from the course. Length: The paper will be between 1400 and 1800 words. Format: The paper will be in the form of an APA style review paper except for the following: 1) Single- space everything. 2) Write the number of words immediately under the title in bold font (e.g., "557 words"). When counting words, don't include the title page or reference page in your count. 3) Don't write your name on the title page or anywhere on the paper unless you are submitting the assignment late. If you are submitting the assignment late, add your name to the title page, and if the instructor has given an extension to the due date, add one sentence on the title page above the title stating how long of an extension the instructor allowed. 4) As stated above, for terms from the textbook, the first time you use each term, write the relevant textbook chapter beside it in parentheses. Don’t include blank lines under titles or under subtitles or between paragraphs. Also, indent all paragraphs in the main body of the paper, use Times New Roman 12 or Ariel 11, or Calibri 11 for the font, and use one-inch margins. Sample APA style papers are available at If you are using Microsoft Word, you can format it as follows: (1) select all text including titles [by typing Ctrl-A] (2) set font by selecting home menu and changing font to Times New Roman 12 or Ariel 11, or Calibri 11, (3) set margins selecting the Page Layout menu and by selecting triangle under “Margins” option and using custom setting option to set margins to one inch, (4) remove spaces between paragraphs by setting spacing Before and After paragraphs to zero (5) convert to single spacing by either (a) typing Ctrl-1 (that’s a one) or (b) selecting layout menu, opening dialogue menu by clicking bottom right arrow in paragraph box near top of screen and choosing single spacing. To insert page breaks, you can use Ctrl-Enter. References: You can use one reference to cover the entire textbook rather than a separate reference for each chapter. Openstax. (2019). Organizational Behavior. OpenStax. If you rely on a lecture from this class, you can add the following to your reference section: Tweed. R. G. (year). Organizational behavior lecture. Douglas College. And then the first time you rely on a lecture in each paragraph, you can put in (Tweed, year) [You generally include this only once per paragraph and only if the paragraph relies on the lecture. However, if you think the reader won't know you are relying on the lecture for a second sentence in a paragraph, you can include the citation a second time in the paragraph]. Following APA citation style exactly for the lectures would be more complicated, but what I suggest here will be ok for this paper. Submission Method: Save the paper in .docx format and submit the file using the link provided on the Blackboard site for this class. Student papers may be assessed using plagiarism detection software prior to being marked. Free help with writing: Douglas College Learning Centre: / These will provide feedback on your writing, but they often won't notice if you've deviated from the assigned guidelines, so be sure to check that you've closely followed all the guidelines.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


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