美国GSPH5331 Assignment代写 global health 课程代写代上

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来自美国代写的顾客授权发布的global health issues,GSPH5331作业要求片段,我们不会发布GSPH5331的answer在网站,我们曾经写过GSPH5331及相关的global health issues写过很多作业,考试,如果你也需要代写这个课程的作业请联系客服WX:QQ 5757940 ,代写人的代写服务覆盖全球华人留学生,可以为US的学生提供非常准时精湛的服务,小作业assignment代写、essay代写享适时优惠,project、paper代写、论文代写支持分期付款,网课、exam代考预约时刻爆单中赶紧来撩。
疾病预防控制中心社会脆弱性工具活动,这项活动允许参与者搜索他们自己的县来探索社会脆弱性指数(SVI)。  SVI最初是为了帮助应急计划人员确定容易受到自然和人为灾害影响的特殊人群。  这使他们能够针对风险人群的需求制定应急计划,如交通、为听力不好或英语水平有限的人提供特殊的交流方式。



CDC Social Vulnerability Tool Activity

This activity allows participants to search for their own county to explore the social vulnerability index (SVI).  The SVI was originally developed to help emergency planners to identify special populations that are vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters.  This allows them to tailor emergency plans specific to at risk population needs such as transportation, special communication methods for the hard of hearing or limited English proficiency residents who may not get messages through the traditional mass media channels.  The scope of use has been expanded to allow for identifying special needs during COVID-19 testing, mitigation strategies as well as vaccine distribution and recovery efforts.  SVI is determined by evaluating 15 different indicators in four categories of focus: socioeconomic status, household composition & disability, minority status and language, and housing type & transportation.

Go to: https://svi.cdc.gov/map.html

Use the map to find your county.  It may be helpful to click the link at the bottom left hand side under the map that says “view larger map”.

Click on the desired county and a box pops up with social vulnerability information specific to that county.  (Tip: it is helpful to know the general location of your county within the state because the names of the counties do not pop up when you hover over the county.  You have to actually click it to see which county it is.

If you do not know the general location of your county, you can view a map of Texas counties here https://geology.com/county-map/texas.shtmlto find the location and then go back to the SVI map to click in that area.  If you live in another state, you can Google search map of Oklahoma counties, or whichever state you live in.)

Scores range from zero to one with one being the highest vulnerability.

Higher scores indicate that there is more social vulnerability in that county and will likely take more resources and effort to assist families in identified neighborhoods to recover from disasters.

You can click the “Data Dictionary” link within the black box for your county and it will bring up a fact sheet of how the SVI value was calculated and what it means.

Life Expectancy Calculator Activity

This activity will allow participants to look up their own address to see what the estimated life expectancy is for those living in their neighborhood.

Go to https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/interactives/whereyouliveaffectshowlongyoulive.html

  1. In the middle of the page, there is a place to enter the participant’s address.
  2. The entire home address must be included: house number, street name, city, state and zip code.
  3. Click find.
  4. Four different results are provided.
  5. First is “My Area”.  This is the life expectancy for the address entered.
  6. The second result is for the county the address is in.
  7. The third result is for the state the address is in.
  8. The last result is the national average life expectancy.
  9. These results can be compared.
  10. The participant can erase the address entered and put in another address in a different part of their county to compare the difference in life expectancy between the wealthy and the poor zip codes.
  11. If the participant enters an address and does not get a result for their area but gets a result for their county, state and the national average, it could be due to no data being available at the census tract level for that address.  They can try a different address.

If you are a student from an English-speaking country, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with an excellent writing service.


为什么选择代写人 代写

作为现存十年的代写服务机构,我们没有任何学术丑闻,我们保护顾客隐私、多元化辅导、写作、越来越多的小伙伴选择代写人为他们解决棘手的各类作业难题,保障GPA,为留学梦助力! 我们的客服团队及写手老师总是能第一时间响应顾客的各类作业需求,有些人即使有重要的事甚至带伤上场协助考试。Final季,忙的时候一天十几场考试还在继续坚持着,我知道,他们明明可以不用这么辛苦的…但是他们为了坚守承诺,为了另一端屏幕外的那一份期望,他们没有选择退缩、时刻为同学们提供最好的!这么有温度的代写还不添加备用一下?WX/QQ: 5757940









