美国MGMT237作业代写 Management Of Technology课程代上exam代考

写作技巧 468 2年前

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Implementation Implications and Solutions

Implicit in strategy planning is the use of assumptions about the capabilities within the organization, the internal and external environment, and many other elements. This is a function of attempting to create a future vision and positioning the organization to achieve that vision. An important component in strategic planning, then, is to uncover these assumptions and create contingencies to reduce risk and uncertainty. This assignment provides an opportunity to critically evaluate the assumptions and dependencies of your strategic recommendations (from the Unit 5 assignment). In this assignment, you will forecast implementation issues and provide potential solutions related to your specific strategic recommendations. Building from your Strategic Recommendations assignment, complete the following:

  • Evaluate the assumptions and interlocking dependencies of the strategic plan. (For example, for any of your recommendations, what assumptions are you making for this recommendation to be a good idea? What does the success of your recommendation depend on? What must "go right" for your recommendation to succeed?)
  • Using your assumption and dependency evaluation, forecast any implementation issues. Basically, if your assumption does not hold true, what is a potential implementation issue? What do you need to consider?
  • For each of your most likely implementation issues, prescribe a potential solution within the framework of your strategic plan.
  • Evaluate the strategically appropriate relationships to have within your supply chain, value chain, organizational structure, and organizational communication to implement your strategic recommendations.
  • Evaluate the potential issues in and barriers to implementing your suggested knowledge management and organizational learning strategies.

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