美国RNSG1209 Assignment代写,美国护理导论作业代写

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Thank you for sharing your professional experience with the dying process. The role of the nurse during the dying process is to respect cultural and spiritual beliefs, assist patients through their personal experience of grieving process and help patients become aware of the greater whole. Understanding Kubler-Ross's Grief theory and the theory of self-transcendence will enable the nurse to manage the care of the older adult with dignity and respect. Taking a holistic view of death, means understanding that death is an extension of the whole and the dying process should be a healing experience for both the individual and family. The role of th nurse is to facilitate the healing process by helping the individual and family achieve stability and work throui any or all the stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). People can experience all, some or none of the stages of grief. Subsequently. the nurse should be prepared to facilitate the grieving process that is specific to the patient and family. Another aspect of the nurse's role is to facilitate the patient': ability to rise above the self and grasp the idea of the greater whole to transcend the self and experience the healing during dying process.

In taking a deeper look at self-transcendence, the focus is the "capacity of an individual to expand self-boundaries toward a mature, broader perspective of life. Expansion can occur intrapersonally through introspective, reflective activities resulting in a increased awareness of one's personal philosophy and dream (Friske, 2016, p. 267). The increased awareness assists the patient in developing intrapersonal, interpersona and transpersonal strategies to cope with end-of-life and transition into the healing dying process (Laport & Vonarx, 2016). Individuals and families need to rise beyond the self and seek out that which is greater. This introspection results in an understanding wholeness and interconnectedness. The nurse can facilitate the dyil process by respecting the cultural and spiritual beliefs and practices of the patient and family. Professor Reid.

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