英国HRM4022N作业代写 learning and development课程代上exam代考

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This interactive training package will provide line managers with the skills, knowledge and resources to better manage poor performance and work towards improving KPI and productivity. This training aims to develop the line managers understanding of their role and responsibilities in managing performance for example with goal setting and communicating performance goals with their team. Timescales This is a one-day training programme from 10:00 to 16:00. Constraints XYZ Bakery has no HR function installed. The business has plans to expand so there will be the risk that new line managers will not have the skills to monitor performance, therefore, the business will need a toolkit to maintain consistency with new members of staff. As a small business there is a risk that sending all line managers and supervisors on a one-day training course may potentially put an economic strain on the business and temporally reduce productivity.

What is the main problem (in this company, in terms of your group training topic area)? XYZ Bakery currently has no formal or consistent performance measures in place. Line Managers do not have the skills or confidence to monitor and manage poor performance. As the business is looking to expand, in order to maintain consistency between multiple Bakery’s managing performances is essential.

Participants will gain the skills to use effective communication techniques to motive and empower employees. They will be confident in developing strategies to monitor and manage poor performance, setting quantifiable and SMART objectives and giving constructive feedback. The training will allow the business to maintain brand reputation through creating high performing business units as it expands across multiple sites.
What should change as a result of the training?
Participants will leave with a toolkit to empower them to better manage performance across all areas of the business. Performance management techniques will provide the line managers with the knowledge and resources to plan objectives which align with the overall business goals to potentially expand the business in the future.

Organisation Rationale (Organizational/business level due to business expansion): Following a successful launch, the business is finding it a strain to continue to produce products at the quality set out in its mission and vision statements. It now wishes to formalise its sales targets to better monitor performance and strike a balance between quality and production. It wishes to get this right now as there are plans to expand by opening a further location and needs a template to roll out.

To ensure standards and quality are maintained through developing individual KPIs. The knowledge areas that the participants need to develop are:
Coaching and Feedback – Coaching is an effective way to motivate and help employees to solve issues, monitor performance and develop confidence in the workforce. Giving accurate, balanced and timely feedback is an important aspect of performance management.
Goal setting – Effective performance management requires goals to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based as well as setting clear expectations on how goals and objects will be evaluated.

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